Asthma, a relatively common inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, makes life and daily functioning uncomfortable for many people in the long term. Modern medicine does not know its exact causes and only offers drugs to temporary mask its symptoms. However, many spiritual teachers and healers claim that the real spiritual roots of asthma go beyond the physical plane.
The Spiritual Roots of Asthma Lie in the Imbalance Between Body, Mind and Spirit
The idea that the emotional and the spiritual world is interconnected with physical ailments is as old as humanity itself. This connection has been emphasized for centuries by various alternative medical systems, including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as well as by spiritual teachers of various cultures and eras.
According to Edgar Cayce, one of the most famous American healers, also known as the “Sleeping Prophet”, diseases are the result of imbalances in the imbalances between the body, mind and spirit:
- Imbalance arising at the body level – Violation of natural laws
Poor diet, lack of exercise and ignoring the natural rhythms of the body lead to insufficient excretion of toxins, poor blood circulation and lymphatic system, which contributes to the development of diseases. - Imbalance arising at the level of the mind – Mental and emotional imbalance
Our thoughts and attitudes play an irreplaceable role in health. If there is a discrepancy between what we do, what we think, what we feel, and what our higher self/conscience tells us, negative emotions (such as fear, anger, or resentment) arise, which block the flow of energy in the corresponding chakras (or spiritual centers). - Imbalance arising at the level of the spirit – Karma and Spiritual Awakening
Illness can be a lesson or an opportunity for soul growth. Some illnesses serve as catalysts for spiritual growth, forcing a person to seek deeper healing, understanding, or transformation.
Any imbalance then spreads to other levels and can lead to disease. Let’s look at each of these areas in more detail.
Spiritual Roots of Asthma : The Body – Violation of Natural Laws
According to Ayurveda, Agni – the digestive fire – is responsible for controlling digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and experiences. It is crucial for health and its imbalance can lead to disease. When Agni is weak, undigested food and waste form ama – toxins that block the body’s channels, disrupt metabolism and contribute to chronic disease. Symptoms such as indigestion, bloating or fatigue can develop into serious health problems such as autoimmune conditions, inflammation or cancer over time.
E. Cayce also had a similar view of the physical dimension of the development of diseases:
“The cause of most diseases is primarily intoxication of the organism… If there is a disproportionate increase in waste products in the body, then the basic conditions for the development of disease are created. This will then manifest itself in the weakest link in the chain, depending on our specific genetic makeup, on our inherited dispositions – for some it may be the joints, for others the heart and for others, for example, the kidneys.” – Edgard Cayce
Therefore, part of the first steps on the path to recovery should be the effort to eliminate these poisons. It is possible mainly by changing the diet towards an alkaline diet with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables (1/2 to 3/4 of the diet) and whole grain products, with sufficient water intake and regular exercise supporting proper blood circulation and therefore excretion.
As complementary therapies for regular detoxification and body cleansing that help the body get rid of accumulated toxins, the following are particularly suitable:
- regular elimination and removal of toxic substances from the colon using enemas (or castor oil wraps),
- massages and hot baths to support blood and lymph circulation,
- osteopathic and chiropractic methods, which Cayce recommended in up to a third of his readings, to support the correct flow of energy.
Spiritual Roots of Asthma : Mind – Mental and Emotional Imbalance
On the level of the mind, E. Cayce linked asthma to emotional repression. He argued that people with asthma often have difficulty expressing their emotions, especially feelings of fear, anxiety, or anger. When these emotions are suppressed for a long time, they can create an energetic block in the body, especially in the respiratory system. Asthma can thus develop as a symbol of these difficulties in communication, to remind us that the freedom to live and speak one’s mind is the right of every person.
The connection between asthma and fear of life and the connection with childhood is also pointed out by Valerij Sinelikov in his book Internal Causes of Diseases:
“Notice how an asthmatic behaves during an attack. He cannot breathe on his own. He needs help. Subconsciously he is convinced that he does not have the right to breathe (live) independently. He acts in strong dependence on external factors (in childhood there is often too much dependence on parents, especially mothers). Asthma in children means anxiety about life. It is a strong subconscious fear, a desire not to be here and now.”
Inna Segal, in her book What Your Body Is Telling You, also tries to draw attention to the excessive effort to please others:
“You try too hard to please others. You want to be perfect. You can’t say no, stand up for yourself and feel it. You give your best until you feel exhausted and out of breath. You feel weak, anxious and powerless. You allow others to control you. You feel hurt, stuck, like you’re locked in a cage.”
Spiritual Roots of Asthma: Spirit – Karma and Spiritual Awakening
Cayce also pointed to an even deeper, more spiritual cause of asthma. According to him, illnesses such as asthma are an opportunity for the soul to release karma (whether from this life or past lives) and to develop spiritually.
For example, if someone was oppressed in a past life and was not allowed to speak their truth, or was the one who oppressed others, this may result in asthma in the present life. According to Cayce, these past life experiences create energetic imprints that need to be processed in order for current physical problems to be overcome.
However, karma should not be seen as punishment, but as an opportunity for healing and awakening. As Paramahansa Yogananda taught,
“Karma is the law of cosmic justice. It does not punish, it teaches.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
Instead of seeing illness as just a physical inconvenience or obstacle, we can see it as part of something greater that leads us to wisdom and spiritual wholeness.
Supportive Therapies: Asthma
In addition to the aforementioned alkaline diet, regular colon detoxifications, and other supportive therapies, Cayce also recommended the following for asthma:
Increased Hydration
Cayce also emphasized the role of hydration in managing asthma. That is, drinking plenty of clean water to help flush toxins from the body and maintain proper respiratory function. In addition to clean water, leafy greens and fresh fruit juices are especially good, as they are high in vitamins, antioxidants, and natural enzymes that help detoxify the body.
Herbs and Natural Remedies
Herbal teas made from herbs such as licorice root, thyme, and peppermint are suitable. These herbs are known to have calming effects on the respiratory system and can help relieve congestion in the lungs.
Cayce often recommended ginger for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Ginger can help stimulate circulation, reduce mucus, and promote respiratory health.
Eucalyptus and mugwort were two other herbs Cayce recommended for respiratory health. Eucalyptus is known for its ability to clear airways and make breathing easier. Mugwort, on the other hand, helps with lung congestion and can relieve asthma symptoms.
Hot and cold compresses
Cayce also recommended using hot and cold compresses to stimulate circulation and stimulate the body’s detoxification processes. A hot compress applied to the chest could help open up airways and soothe respiratory distress, while cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and cleanse the lungs.
Liver cleanse
Since the liver plays an important role in detoxification, cleansing it can help improve overall health and reduce asthma symptoms. You can try liver-specific herbal remedies and consuming beetroot or dandelion root, which support liver health.
Breathing and Relaxation Exercises
Deep, conscious breathing helps clear energy blockages. Also, don’t forget relaxation techniques to release anxiety and emotional tension, such as relaxation, meditation, and other calming practices.
Cayce often recommended prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices that help connect with your higher self. These practices were considered essential for emotional release, forgiveness, and healing at the soul level.
In conclusion
By understanding the emotional, mental, and karmic causes of asthma and incorporating the aforementioned recommendations into your life, you can not only alleviate your asthma symptoms, but also embark on a journey of spiritual growth and transformation.
In conclusion, I will ask you a question for reflection, which E. Cayce used to ask people who asked him for help:
“Why do you really want to get well?” or “What will you do when you get well?”