Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that involves the immune system attacking the protective covering of nerve fibers, leading to a wide range of physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges. While modern medicine has made significant strides in managing this disease, it still cannot heal it. However, many spiritualists and healers point out that the true spiritual roots of Multiple sclerosis go beyond the physical level.
In this article, you will read about the spiritual causes of multiple sclerosis from renowned authors, philosophers, and spiritual leaders. You will learn how imbalances between body, mind, and spirit can contribute to MS, and we will also offer insight into how healing on a spiritual level can help you manage this debilitating disease.
The Spiritual Roots of Multiple Sclerosis Lie in the Imbalance Between Body, Mind and Spirit
The idea that the emotional and the spiritual world is interconnected with physical ailments is as old as humanity itself. This connection has been emphasized for centuries by various alternative medical systems, including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as well as by spiritual teachers of various cultures and eras.
According to Edgar Cayce, one of the most famous American healers, also known as the “Sleeping Prophet”, diseases are the result of imbalances in the imbalances between the body, mind and spirit:
- Imbalance arising at the body level – Violation of natural laws
Poor diet, lack of exercise and ignoring the natural rhythms of the body lead to insufficient excretion of toxins, poor blood circulation and lymphatic system, which contributes to the development of diseases. - Imbalance arising at the level of the mind – Mental and emotional imbalance
Our thoughts and attitudes play an irreplaceable role in health. If there is a discrepancy between what we do, what we think, what we feel, and what our higher self/conscience tells us, negative emotions (such as fear, anger, or resentment) arise, which block the flow of energy in the corresponding chakras (or spiritual centers). - Imbalance arising at the level of the spirit – Karma and Spiritual Awakening
Illness can be a lesson or an opportunity for soul growth. Some illnesses serve as catalysts for spiritual growth, forcing a person to seek deeper healing, understanding, or transformation.
Any imbalance then spreads to other levels and can lead to disease. Let’s look at each of these areas in more detail.
Spiritual Roots of Multiple Sclerosis: The Body – Violation of Natural Laws
According to Ayurveda, Agni – the digestive fire – is responsible for controlling digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and experiences. It is crucial for health and its imbalance can lead to disease. When Agni is weak, undigested food and waste form ama – toxins that block the body’s channels, disrupt metabolism and contribute to chronic disease. Symptoms such as indigestion, bloating or fatigue can develop into serious health problems such as autoimmune conditions, inflammation or cancer over time.
E. Cayce also had a similar view of the physical dimension of the development of diseases:
“The cause of most diseases is primarily intoxication of the organism… If there is a disproportionate increase in waste products in the body, then the basic conditions for the development of disease are created. This will then manifest itself in the weakest link in the chain, depending on our specific genetic makeup, on our inherited dispositions – for some it may be the joints, for others the heart and for others, for example, the kidneys.” – Edgard Cayce
Therefore, part of the first steps on the path to recovery should be the effort to eliminate these poisons. The first step is a shift to a alkaline diet that supports the body’s alkaline balance (a higher pH level), which is according to Cayce crucial for optimal health, especially in preventing disease and encouraging healing. Diet should consist from foods that naturally promote an alkaline environment in the body, particularly focusing on vegetablesandfruits (3/4 of the food) and whole grains, with sufficient water intake and regular exercise supporting proper blood circulation and therefore excretion.
As complementary therapies for regular detoxification and body cleansing that help the body get rid of accumulated toxins, the following are particularly suitable:
- regular elimination and removal of toxic substances from the colon using enemas (or castor oil wraps),
- excercise, massages and hot baths to support blood and lymph circulation,
- osteopathic and chiropractic methods, which Cayce recommended in up to a third of his readings, to support the correct flow of energy.
Spiritual Roots of Multiple Sclerosis: Mind – Mental and Emotional Imbalance
Cayce believed that emotional repression, particularly the suppression of anger, resentment, and frustration, could lead to physical manifestations such as MS. He explained that mental and emotional stress—particularly from unresolved conflicts or inner turmoil—could cause a breakdown in the body’s energy system. In some of his readings, Cayce specifically mentioned that anger or the inability to forgive could result in long-term stress that manifests as physical illnesses, including MS.
Repressed anger, is considered a significant emotional trigger for MS also by a lot of another authors. “Anger is like an infection—it eats away at us,” says Dr. Gabor Maté, emphasizing the emotional toll of unexpressed anger. Chronic suppression of anger can disrupt the immune system and contribute to autoimmune diseases like MS.
Cayce also identified overwork and mental exhaustion as contributing factors to MS. He believed that people who pushed themselves too hard in their careers, family life, or personal goals were more susceptible to developing chronic conditions, including MS. Stress and mental fatigue can overwhelm the nervous system and weaken the body’s natural defense mechanisms, making it more vulnerable to autoimmune conditions like MS.
Inna Segal, in her book What Your Body Is Telling You, also points out the prioritization of other people and other aspects that may be related to MS:
“You prioritize other people and responsibilities. You switch your strengths. You overwork yourself. You feel like you’re not good enough. You have limited views. You reject, neglect, and sabotage yourself. You feel disconnected from yourself and others. Exhaustion, worry, shame, and guilt.” – Inna Segal, in her book What Your Body Is Telling You
Spiritual Roots of Multiple Sclerosis: Spirit – Karma and Spiritual Awakening
Cayce also pointed to an even deeper, more spiritual cause of MS. According to him, illnesses such as MS are an opportunity for the soul to develop spiritually and release karma (whether from this or past lives).
In many of his readings, Cayce emphasized that illness was a reflection of spiritual disconnection or a failure to live in accordance with one’s higher self. When an individual strays from their soul’s true purpose or fails to listen to their inner guidance, this disconnection could manifest as physical illness.
According to Cayce, illnesses such as multiple sclerosis could also be the result of karma carried over from previous lifetimes. For example, individuals who had engaged in self-destructive behaviors, or had been involved in situations where they caused harm to others, might carry these unresolved issues into their current life, leading to illness.
However, karma should not be seen as punishment, but as an opportunity for healing and awakening. As Paramahansa Yogananda taught,
“Karma is the law of cosmic justice. It does not punish, it teaches.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
Instead of viewing illness as just a physical inconvenience or obstacle, we can see it as part of something greater that leads us to wisdom and spiritual wholeness.
Supportive Therapies: Multiple Sclerosis
The Need for Mental and Emotional Healing
Cayce often stressed the importance of mental and emotional healing as part of the process for overcoming physical illnesses, including MS. He suggested that individuals suffering from MS needed to focus on developing inner peace, forgiveness, and positive thinking in order to shift the energy in their bodies. According to his readings, mental attitudes such as fear, guilt, and self-criticism were destructive forces that needed to be transformed for healing to take place.
In particular, he recommended that individuals struggling with MS engage in practices such as meditation, prayer, and positive affirmations to facilitate emotional release and spiritual growth. By aligning the mind and spirit, the physical body could then follow in its healing.
Herbal Remedies and Gold
Cayce also recommended various herbal supplements to support the body’s healing process. These included:
- Ginseng for energy and vitality.
- Sarsaparilla for detoxification and improving circulation.
- Alfalfa for improving overall nutrition and boosting the immune system.
Cayce often recommended gold as a healing tool, particularly in the form of golden herbs like goldenseal. Cayce believed that gold had a unique ability to influence the body’s energy and vibrational frequencies and improve circulation and nerve function.
Some people also believe that gold-infused water can have healing properties. To create gold-infused water, add a small piece of pure gold (such as a small gold pendant or piece of gold leaf) into a glass of water and let it sit for about an hour or so. After this, drink the water with the intention of it positively influencing the body’s healing process.
Spiritual or Energetic Use of Gold
- Meditation with Gold: Sit in a quiet space and hold a gold object (such as a gold ring or piece of gold jewelry) in your hand while focusing on healing intentions. Visualize gold light radiating from the object, surrounding your body, and focusing on the areas affected by MS, such as the nervous system and spine.
- Visualization: Imagine a golden light enveloping your body, restoring balance to your energy system and nourishing your nervous system. Picture this light healing any damaged tissue or nerve pathways.
- Affirmations: During your meditation, repeat affirmations related to healing, such as:
- “I am restoring balance to my body and mind.”
- “The energy of gold strengthens my nervous system and vitality.”
- “I embrace healing on all levels—body, mind, and spirit.”
In Conclusion
By exploring the emotional, mental, and karmic causes of Multiple sclerosis we can begin to understand the deeper emotional and spiritual context that contribute to the illness, ultimately empowering individuals to take charge of their healing journey.
In conclusion, I will ask you a question for reflection that E. Cayce used to ask people who asked him for help:
“Why do you really want to get well?” or “What will you do when you get well?”